Badia, A., Liesa, E., & Monereo, C. (submitted). Early researchers’ identity positions based on
This study approaches early researchers’ identity positions from a self-dialogical perspective and their experiences when they...

Corcelles, M., Cano, M., Liesa, E., Gonzalez-Ocampo, G. & Castelló, M. (submitted). Constructing
Doctoral trajectory is an emotionally and intellectually intensive process during which doctoral students face with a wide range of...

Mayoral, P., Becerril, L., Vall, B., Álvarez, I. (submitted). Eventos Significativos y habilidades d
La formación doctoral de los futuros investigadores está cambiando en los últimos años. Actualmente, el número de estudiantes de...

Cuestionario FINS (castellano)
Descargar el Cuestionario FINS para estudiantes de doctorado. Descargar el Cuestionario para investigadores postdoctorales.

RIDSS Questionnaire (English version)
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