A first approach to Qualitative Data Analysis.
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Conceptions of PhD students on research.
Elexupuru, I. & Yaniz, C. (2016, June). Why research is performed and what it is for in Social Sciences? Conceptions of PhD students on...

Constructing academic trajectories.
Corcelles, M., Cano, M., Liesa, E., Gonzalez, G. & Castelló, M. (2016, June). Constructing academic trajectories: what are the most...

Why do students drop out of doctoral degrees?
Castelló, M., Pardo, M., Sala-Bubaré, A., & Suñe-Soler, N. (2016, June). Why do students drop out of doctoral degrees? Paper presented at...

Post-doc experiences related to writing and well-being.
Castelló, M., Pyhältö, K., & McAlpine, L. (2015). Post-doc experiences related to writing and well-being. Paper presented at SRHE Annual...