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Researcher Identity Development

ECRs Questionnaires
Research based questionnaires and manuals for exploring doctoral and post-doctoral experiences within and beyond academia. These can be utilized by ECRs, supervisors, researchers, administrators and other stakeholders involved in doctoral education in order to gain better understanding on ECR experience.
Guide for Researcher Development
The Guide for the Researcher Development - GRED – has been designed and assessed with resources and aids for different trajectories that ECRs go through (see here). The GRED consists of a 100-page booklet introducing good practices on doctoral education and career development, early career trajectories, and innovation courses.

Research supervision and support
This Intellectual Output consists of a series of training materials integrated on an open basis regime in a pedagogical website. Materials address PhD and postdoc supervision and support from an interdisciplinary perspective and range from specific interpersonal support to broader researcher community support.

ECRs careers & agency
This intellectual output consists of a research-based information website providing resources for early-career researchers improving agency and networking through their career trajectories. The website overviews the personal and career trajectories of 48 social scientists. The website's structure allows ECR to face the most frequent situations identified by research as problematic and critical for career development and analyze different paths to solve them.
Research balance
This Intellectual Output aims to equip ECR with theoretical and practical knowledge to anticipate strategies and feelings regarding balancing personal life and academic careers in different working conditions. The open online website includes research-based created cases and resources to reflect on and develop strategies to face workplace stressors interfering personal life and academic career balance.

I want justice
The website provides information about early career researchers' perceptions of inequitable policies and practices, and invites visitors to complete site-embedded survey to assess their own experiences. Users’ answers are automatically processed and displayed on the website as life cases. Moreover, the website’s structure is based on thematic categories and strategies to successfully addressed inequalities.
Writing and publishing
This Intellectual Output consists of a research-based pedagogical website covering basic and advanced research writing features. The website's courses, readings and materials aim to provide educational resources for learners to construct and implement a new, broader and more complex understanding of their writing activity

Researcher Identity Development (2020).
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Improving the careers and well-being of researchers
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