Researcher Identity Development
Training courses
Research writing
This Intellectual Output consists of a research-based pedagogical website covering basic and advanced research writing features. The website's courses, readings and materials aim to provide educational resources for learners to construct and implement a new, broader and more complex understanding of their writing activity. Courses vary in length and type of content:
Learning to write in the doctorate: research writing genres and conceptions. Basic course focusing on genre knowledge and research writing conceptions.
Writing and publishing during the doctorate: advanced course including content related to the structure and discursive mechanisms of research articles, the characteristics and challenges of the publication process and giving and receiving feedback.
Activities of reflection and group discussion follow interactive presentation of contents to promote shared knowledge construction and situated strategies development. The didactic sequence and activities organization foster active engagement and involvement from participants.
Detailed sessions guidelines and materials are provided on an open-basis regime for trainers and facilitators to adapt them to specific audiences and contexts. Regulation of the students' activity is promoted through text revision practices including particular activities to learn how giving and receiving feedback.
Courses were piloted through 28 workshops, courses and related initiatives all around the world. Foundations, rationale and empirical evidence of their effectiveness can be found in several scientific publications (here).

Researcher Identity Development (2020).
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